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Partners, Links and Resources


Our major sources of support in our recent and on-going activities.

Asian Development Bank

Description: A finance institution engaged in promoting the economic and social progress of its developing member countries in the Asian and Pacific region.


Description: The Australian Government's overseas aid program.


Description: UK Government department working to promote sustainable development and eliminate world poverty


Description: World Health Organization. See also SEARO and WPRO.


Description: Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (WHO/UNDP/WB)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Description: Independent government agency that conducts foreign assistance and humanitarian aid.

European Commission Regional Malaria Control Programme

Roll Back Malaria (RBM Global Partnership

Description: Provides a coordinated international approach to fighting malaria


Description: WHO Roll Back Malaria Department Hompage

Border Action Against Malaria (BAAM)

Description: The Border Action Against Malaria Program (BAAM), funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), works with a broad national coalition to slow the emergence and spread of multi-drug resistant Malaria in Thailand's border areas.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH)

Description: Working with managers and decision makers to improve health worldwide.


Collaborating institutions in the conduct of our activities.

CDC Malaria

Description: Malaria description, treatment, travelers recommendations (Centers for Disease Control, USA)

Dept. of Public Health, University of Gajah Mada, Indonesia

Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Indonesia

School of Medical Education, University Sains Malaysia

College of Liberal Arts, Dela Salle University, Philippines

Faculty of Public Health, Chulalangkorn University, Thailand

Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand

The Malaria Consortium, UK

Description: International organisation of multi-disciplinary experts working to reduce the burden of malaria.


Here are some of the other interesting websites or homepages which links you to various information about malaria .

Dakar Malaria Report

Description: int'l initiative on malaria control in Africa

Description: Directory for all consumer health diseases and conditions information - nutrition, cancer, diabetes, mental health, allergies, depression, anxiety and more.

EHP Malaria Bulletins

Description: recent journal abstracts about malaria research

EHP Webliography

Description: Malaria journal abstracts, bednet info,

Fact Sheets/General Info on Malaria


Description: is a project developed and operated by the Kaiser Family Foundation with major support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to provide journalists and others—including researchers, policymakers and nongovernmental organizations—with the latest news and information about HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria worldwide.

Description: HealthEcho is aims to help business and professional searchers find what they are looking providing a comprehensive web directory.

Int'l Travel and Health (WHO)

Description: Vaccination Requirements and Health Advice (WHO)

Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma

Description: WHO Collaborating Centre/Human Resources and Educ. Technology Devel./Control of Tropical Diseases

Les sites de consultation



Description: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine malaria project :

Malaria Databases

Description: Malaria website with access to databases.

Malaria Foundation

Description: malaria information, related websites


Description: Malaria-Frequently Asked Questions (and the answers!)

Medical Entomology

Description: Big list of medical entomology websites (Iowa State)

MIM Communications Network: Malaria Resources

Description: List of Online Journals, Malaria and Infectious Diseases.

Mosquito Websites

Description: Mosquito websites (by Florida Mosquito Control Assoc.)


Description: Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases

PubMed-National Library of Medicine

Description: online searching of MEDLINE database of published articles on medicine and health

Roll Back Malaria

Description: A global partnership to halve the world's malaria burden by 2010.

Rotary Against Malaria

Description: voluntary group involved in malaria control projects

Royal Perth Hospital

Description: links to malaria information; includes a teach and test section

U.S. Pharmacopeia

Description: The worldwide source for drug standards.

WHO Disease Sheet: Malaria

Description: links to malaria information

The Malaria Foundation International

Description: The Malaria Foundation International is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that has been dedicated to the fight against malaria since 1992.

WHO/RBM Department - Publications


For those who might be interested to join e-mail discussion groups, here are some of the sites which you might find useful:


Description: A discussion group for those who want to get into the general subject of malaria. The list owner is Ross Coppel.

To subscribe, e-mail and type the following in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE MALARIA YOUR NAME

To post a message, email


Description: Discussion list that all relates to mosquitos: behaviour, bionomics, ecology, control, general biology, mosquito-borne diseases, physiology, pathogens, survey/sampling methods, and systematics. The list owner is John VanDyke.

To subscribe, email: MOSQUITO-L-REQUEST@IASTATE.EDU and type the following in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE

To post a message, email: MOSQUITO-L@IASTATE.EDU

Vector Biology:

Description: This is a discussion list on vector biology and control, useful for biologists, entomologists, medical specialists, parasitologists, vector control professionals and others involved in the research and control of arthropods which transmit diseases to plants and animals. Moderator is Dennic Knudson.